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Visualising top city sales % for a region

This post is inspired by a blog in which the author showcased the visualisation of % top city sales for a region in Tableau. I thought the solution provided was cumbersome so decided to visualise it in Power BI. It turns out that the DAX for this is straightforward...

TOPN metrics in a parent child hierarchy

Filtering a visual in Power BI by TOPN or BOTTOMN is very easy. You apply a visual level filter and specifiy how many TOP/BOTTOM values you wan to see in your visual. Things get complicated however when there is a hierarchy present in the visual.The TOPN filter will...

User selected labels

To label or not to label. Labelling of values in a line/bar chart in a dashboard is a contentious issue. Stakeholders coming from the world of static reports in Excel/pdf are used to seeing labels on charts and want the same functionality in Power BI. They do not want...