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TOPN metrics in a parent child hierarchy

Filtering a visual in Power BI by TOPN or BOTTOMN is very easy. You apply a visual level filter and specifiy how many TOP/BOTTOM values you wan to see in your visual. Things get complicated however when there is a hierarchy present in the visual.The TOPN filter will...

User selected labels

To label or not to label. Labelling of values in a line/bar chart in a dashboard is a contentious issue. Stakeholders coming from the world of static reports in Excel/pdf are used to seeing labels on charts and want the same functionality in Power BI. They do not want...

Alternate way to show month on month trend

When we are visualising month on month trends for a single year the normal way to represent it is to show the months in the X axis and the data you want to visualise (say sales) in the Y axis. It would look something like this. Here we are plotting Total Sales versus...

Changing bookmark button behaviour using disconnected tables and DAX

Bookmarks are a great way to story tell in Power BI as they can be used to save pre configured states in a report. However they have drawbacks in that you have to create two versions of a button for each bookmark and show/hide one of them depending on the bookmark...

Transforming a heatmap using a single line of DAX

Heatmaps are a great way of showing complex data in an easily understandable manner. In a heatmap, you have rows and columns and at the intersection of each row and column you have a value. Typically you are not interested in the individual values and want to see the...

Transforming a line and column chart

In this post we will discuss how to transform a basic line and column chart into a chart which prompts the user to take action. We have line and column chart below which shows daily sales as columns and an average daily sales line (Day number of month as Axis and...

What is the ROI of a dashboard – Part III – The Return of Hope

In the previous post we saw how duplication of effort was one of the biggest issues facing companies which are deploying a Power BI solution. Duplication of effort leads to: Wasted hours - Time spent on duplicating dashboards can be spent on more value add work No...

What is the ROI of a dashboard – Part II – The Point of No Return

In the previous post I talked about the definition of ROI for a dashboard which is Time spent on developing an automated dashboard / Time spent on developing it manually Now consider an example of developing an Employee Hours dashboard where you want to track the...

What should be the purpose of a dashboard ?

What do you think should be the purpose of a dashboard? At the very least a dashboard should Inform • Sales dashboard informs the user on revenue, KPI etc • HSE dashboard informs the user on safety incidents , actions etc • Use visuals and text to Inform Clarify •...