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+61 4 3836 7017

Power BI Gallery

In this section you will find some examples of Power BI dashboards which are interactive and fun to play with. Use the drop down menus to focus on your parameter of interest. Hover on the visuals and click the arrow button on the left to drill down to the next level. Click on the focus mode on the right of the charts to enlarge the visuals.
The dashboard below is an interactive journey into the population projections in Queensland from 2016 – 2036. Be sure to fully interact with the visuals, maps and the tables to uncover some interesting facts!

The dashboard below is an example of an executive dashboard for a mining company showing KPI’s like production, revenue, and safety incident count. Make sure to interact via the time slider, and the bookmarks on the right.

The dashboard below is an interactive journey into the coal exports from Queensland during FY2016 to FY2022 by different coal mines. Did you know that Goonyella Riverside mine was the top exporter of coal in Queensland during this period exporting 120Mt of coal ? Did you also know Asia accounted for more than 85% of all exports ? For more such interesting insights on Queensland’s coal exports interact with the dashboard here.